Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ai Weiwei - "Sunflower Seeds"

-Looking at the picture above, the artist Ai Weiwei is holding what seams to appear to be sunflower seeds, in actuality what is he holding?
He is holding porcelain replicas of sunflower seeds.

-How are the "sunflower seeds" made? (please explain in detail)
The porcelain production process requires about thirty stages, but once those stages are complete the porcelain is put into sunflower seed molds and let harden. After they are hard, they are popped out of the mold and checked for incomplete seeds. The workers are divided into groups, a different group taking on a different job. Then they are painted and fired. Each worker produces a bag of sunflower seeds that is weighed. They are scooped and then washed. Then put into boxes and weighed again.

-Would this project be more or less successful if he used real sunflower seeds for this installation at The Tate Modern?
The project would be less successful is he used real sunflower seeds because they could be broken easily and they had no effort put into creating them.

-What is the meaning behing the materials used in this art work?
The town in China where they are produced is famous of creating porcelain.

-What is the purpose/meaning behind this installation?
It symbolic of the famine and propaganda associated with Mao’s reign.

What does the sunflower seed represent?
The sunflower seed represents all the people who are loyal to Chairman Mao's party.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Richard Baxter

Turquoise Spiral - Porcelain

Sunset - Porcelain
Deep Twist
Deep Twist
Large and small jars
Jars large t300 medium t310 - terracotta

  • In his work, this artist uses line, color, texture, shape, form, and space.
  • I chose this artist because I find his use of color, form and pattern particularly interesting. 

Richard Baxter is a well-established British potter who produces highly individual and collectable ceramic art. He works with mainly earthenware and porcelain to produce domestic pottery to bowls inspired by waves and strata. 

Cups On Loan

Social outreach programs help our local and global communities. They are beneficial to both the recipients of the resources and services as well as to those who volunteer their time and efforts to a worthy cause. As far as the Cups On Loan project is concerned, I believe that it will soar with the uttermost success. Humans need art in their lives and with the current economy being frugal is a must, so the cheap cost to rent a cup will be one of the main factors that drives this project to success. This project also starts a chain-reaction of art, bringing artists together all over the country through photographs and work. Personally, I love this project and plan on renting a cup myself! However, if launching it in a high school/public school environment, serious caution will be needed in order to protect the pieces from being destroyed. It must be limited to only the most responsible students and faculty.